We follow accepted halakhic principles for approval and inspection of food-production facilities.

In some cases, there exist a different approach among rabbis. In those cases, we follow the following decisions/halakhic rulings:

We accept chalav akum based on Rabbi Mosher Feinstein’s ruling.
Only cheese produced with a mashgiach present at the production is kosher, even if the rennet in a cheese is fully vegetarian.
We accept bread that is not Pat Israel, i.e. bread that is baked by non-Jews. Bread which contain milk or other dairy is according to Shulchan aruch not allowed. However, if you keep a meat free home it is allowed.
E 120 – Carmine
We accept the food colouring carmine, E 120, based on halakhic rulings of recognized Rabbinical authorities (some rabbis don’t approve this food colouring).

Hotel Breakfast 

Swedish crackers (“knækbrød”) from the list are kosher and you will find them on the breakfast buffet in most Danish hotels.
Cereals form Kellogg’s are also kosher. Milk, butter, honey, and smoked salmon are all kosher. All fresh vegetables and fruits can be eaten. The hotels plates and cutlery can only be used for cold food. Boiled eggs can only be eaten if they are cooked in a steamer in a pot that is exclusively used for this purpose. Most Danish hotels boil eggs this way

A complete kosher-guide for the Danish market (2023) can be found here. English summery on page 81. Hebrew on page 82 

Kosher meat, cheese and other special products are available in the kosher-shop

Gils Deli (Lyngbyvej 87, 2100 Copenhagen Ø).

It is possible to order kosher meals and catering at D&A Kosher. You can contact them at Emilie@mosaiske.dk